============ Instructions ============ .. sidebar:: under construction re-write to include the config and other screens The user interface is simple. * Maximize the window on the screen. * Add time to the clock for the presentation. * If too much time is added, press stop to clear and re-enter the time needed. * Start the timer when the speaker starts. * Pause if necessary. Press start to resume. * Stop the timer when the presentation is done. * Clock will clear on stop or when pause is in overtime. Screen Examples =============== Initial Screen -------------- .. figure:: images/basic.png :alt: basic :width: 30% :align: center Basic screen provides controls to add time to the current or next presentation. Other buttons are intuitive: *Start* and *Clear*. Once the timer has started, *Start* changes to *Pause*. When paused, *Pause* changes to *Resume*. Tabs access *Presets* (preset talk lengths) and *other* controls (*Configure* and *About*). Before talk starts ------------------ .. figure:: images/ready.png :alt: ready :width: 30% :align: center Next speaker has 15 minutes for a presentation. Have the session moderator or monitor press the start button when the speaker starts. Talk has started ---------------- .. figure:: images/presenting.png :alt: presenting :width: 30% :align: center The talk has begun. Countdown timer is churning away. Timer will beep once when time reaches 5 minutes. Talk has paused --------------- .. figure:: images/paused.png :alt: paused :width: 30% :align: center The talk has been paused. Maybe some interruption? Discussion time --------------- .. figure:: images/discussion.png :alt: discussion :width: 30% :align: center The talk has only a short time left. Time to consider audience questions. Timer will beep twice when clock reaches zero. Time is over ------------ .. figure:: images/overtime.png :alt: overtime :width: 30% :align: center Time has run out. Speaker should wrap things up. Timer will beep 3 times every minute into overtime.